Friday, May 8, 2020

The University School Of Engineering Essay - 1758 Words

Introduction For the purposes of this assignment, a female advisor in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, who has chosen to remain anonymous, was interviewed about her role as an academic advisor and in working with high-ability students. A female undergraduate student in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering was also interviewed about her experiences with her academic advisor and as a Trustee Scholar. The student provided her first name as â€Å"Vincy† but not her last name. It is important to note the advisor interviewed is not the advisor of the student interviewed. For better understanding, the student is a Trustee Scholar at USC; she received a full tuition scholarship for academic achievement in high school. Vincy is also an honors program student at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. In bringing together our interviews, along with current research on academic advising in post-secondary institutions, we will consider student dynamics, needs, advisement issues, and potential ways to effectively advise high-ability students. Advising High-Ability Students Doughtery argued that â€Å"[High-ability] students are often overlooked in the advising process because they typically excel in academics and appear to work in a self-reliant manner† (as cited in Gordon, Habley, and Grites et al., 2008, p.200). However, it is important for advisors to realize that just because these students typically do well, they also have struggles. Doughtery mentioned that high-ability studentsShow MoreRelatedThe University Of Alabama And University At Birmingham978 Words   |  4 Pagesfour year university to transfer to can be a very stressful decision. Talking to recruiters from many different schools has revealed one thing; they all believe their school is the best. 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